Holon Law – Business – Cannabis – IP

Cannabis Law Firm Services

Cannabis Lawyers With Real Industry Experience

marijuana lawyer

Full-Scope Legal Management

Holon Law Partners prides itself on its nationwide reach and its depth of industry expertise. Our team has successfully represented clients in every aspect of the cannabis industry from emerging to mature markets, from inception to operations to strategic exit planning. 

Our cannabis attorneys have grown with the industry, serving our clients as in-house counsel and outside general counsel and expertly managing their complex legal matters.

Whether you need guidance on preparing a competitive licensing application, developing a comprehensive operational management program, protecting and expanding your brand, or designing an intentional exit strategy, our attorneys can guide you through this fluid industry. 

Wherever you are on your cannabis business journey, Holon Law has experienced attorneys to meet you where you are. 

Our Attorneys Specialize in:

  • Local & State Licensing Application Preparation and submission for medicinal, adult use, and hemp products markets.

  • Hemp Beverage Industry Guidance

  • Compliance Oversight & Management

  • Sustainable Business Management Planning

  • Cannabis IP Protection: Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, and Trade Secrets

  • Federal & State Litigation Management

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If you are ready to grow, 
we are here for you.

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Cannabis Lawyers with Real Industry Experience

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