Holon Law – Business – Cannabis – IP

Holon Law Blog


Palworld and the Potential Copyright Conundrum

In the vast and dynamic world of video games, where pixels and code weave intricate narratives, a curious phenomenon has emerged. Palworld, a survival game developed by Pocketpair, has taken…

A Star is Born: How Arizona Became a Beacon for Military Families Through the Purple Star School Program

Arizona is the newest Purple Star School state, thanks to the advocacy and legislative efforts of our very own Founding Partner Melissa Rueschhoff.  Purple Star Schools stand apart from other…

New York State Continues to Increase Enforcement Efforts Against Unlicensed Cannabis Operators

New York's Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) appears to be getting more serious about enforcing its rules as it gets pressure from the governor and state legislature to open the…

Top Three Legal Issues in the Entertainment Industry in 2024

The entertainment industry continues to evolve rapidly, especially as new technologies and platforms reshape how content is created, distributed, and consumed. Here's a look at the top three legal issues…

Cannabis Packaging is a Crucial Part of Brand Building

“'Sometimes it really does come down to the packaging,' said Jade Jones, a “budtender” at the Travel Agency in Union Square.”"Ms. Heyman ... views her role more as helping to…